website template store



A WordPress website template

About the template

Sami is a fully-responsive website template built with WordPress, Elementor Pro and Hello theme.

A warm, fun vibe makes this a perfect template for a coach, creative business, or heart-centred business owner. Small animations create some interest and fun as users scroll down the page.

Sami has been designed to work on all screen sizes, no matter if your clients are viewing your site on a desktop, tablet or mobile – Sami still shines!

All colours, graphics, photos and text are fully customisable to meet your needs and branding, and can be easily switched out with copy and paste or drag-and-drop!

BONUS: This template is essentially NO CODE! (i.e. no code required by you!)

If you’re looking for a professionally-designed website that reflects the fun and warmth of your biz (and will resonate with your clients), that you can DIY to launch quickly, Sami is the one for you!

Template package inclusions


section templates

All completely customisable and reusable!


sami in action

Watch a video walk-through of the Sami template on a demo site.
If the embedded video isn’t working, you can also view here.

what you'll need to use a website template

To get Sami up and running on your website, you’ll need the following:

website hosting

This is where your website will 'live'. You can find a list of recommendations for website hosts here.

WordPress installed

Almost every web host includes WordPress in their plans and it's easy to set up using the auto-installer. I also provide a short video in the library.
Note: Don't use

Elementor & Elementor Pro

This is the drag-and-drop page builder we use - no code required!

Your content

Images and text and so much more! Looking for inspo on what you can include? Grab my content prompt freebie here!

Your branding

Any logos, colours or branding assets you have can be plopped into the new template suite.


If you want to embed e.g. a booking calendar, grab that code - I'll show you where you can include it!

and lastly...

Some time to customise Sami and make her yours!

why a template could work best for you

Templates aren’t for everyone but here are a few reasons why they could be the best thing to happen to you and your business

hip-pocket friendly

This template is priced at a fraction of what you can expect to pay for a fully custom-build... yet you're still getting a custom look!

custom look

This template has been designed by a professional web designer. My 20+ years of website experience has been distilled into creating a template that looks good and WORKS.

launch quickly

Sami has been designed so you can pop your content and branding in and GO! No waiting around on waitlists, no agonising over how to make something work. The hard work has been done for you.

easy to customise

The templates have been created to look custom-built but still be easy enough for ANYONE to edit them. And with access to my full suite of training videos, you're all set!

low ongoing costs

Website hosting, domain, Elementor Pro. Those are the only true ongoing costs when you use any of my templates. No need to be paying $30+ per month on a specific platform!

you own your website

Unlike other website platforms, you 100% own your website. You're not reliant on a platform keeping your site up and running.


$495.00 (incl. GST)

Frequently asked questions

No, I don’t think it is. When I first started 15+ years ago, it was pretty involved but these days there are some AMAZING auto-installers which have made WordPress a breeze to install! (Literally, some of them use the label “1-click install” – it doesn’t get much simpler.)

Again, once upon a time but it’s not the case any more. With page builders like Elementor and their drag-and-drop interface, it’s made creating websites so much easier.

I think the main issue people have with WordPress is there’s “so much”. It’s a robust, multi-functional platform and that can be overwhelming for some people, I get it! But if you focus only on what you need to focus on, it becomes a lot less daunting.

Nope! These pages have been designed to be no (or low) code. As a professional web designer I know HOW to code, but I also know I don’t WANT to code. So I try to limit that as much as possible.

Most of the customisations in these designs (regarding colours, fonts and spacing) have all been done with the Elementor page builder – the customisations are built right in!

The template is “essentially” no code. There is a small line of CSS that fixes up a spacing quirk in Elementor. I mention it in the videos but you don’t need to do anything with it – you can basically forget it even exists. 😉

My recommendation is, yes, you should. Originally I thought I was able to provide a sub-licence but this contravenes Elementor’s licencing so I’ve removed that from the package.

Elementor Pro provides much more customisation and design functionality (e.g. the site-wide headers and footers, animated headlines, etc) – it essentially makes it easier to customise a beautiful site!

If you prefer not to purchase the premium plugin, you can still use most features in the templates, however some of those design functions will be disabled and so the design won’t look exactly the same as I have shown here.

Elementor Pro’s licence is US$59 per year (at the time of writing) and you can purchase yours here:

The template itself is a one-time investment amount – you purchase it and it’s yours for life.

There are ongoing costs with a WordPress website, some of which are below.

  • WordPress platform: FREE! The software is open source and free for all to use.
  • Website hosting: This will either be a monthly or annual amount and completely depends on the host you go with. You can get hosting for as cheap as $5/mth up into the $50-$60/mth range.
  • Elementor Pro: US$59 per year. This is a premium plugin that gives access to added design functions (‘bells & whistles’) and generally makes the customisation process easier.
  • Hello theme: FREE! Created by the folks behind Elementor, Hello is (in their words) “forever free”.
  • Domain name: Regardless of which website platform you use, if you intend on having a domain name, there will be an annual cost for that. For a standard .com or domain, you can expect to pay around the AU$15-$25/year mark.

Absolutely! These templates have been designed for exactly that. The video tutorials take you through how to change them on the ‘global’ (i.e. site-wide) side and then also how to edit them per element (if there’s a specific item you want a different colour).

The main heading fonts, no – but you should be using your own branding and/or logo fonts anyway!

The general body text uses Raleway which is a free Google font.

No, the graphical elements and photos are used purely as placeholders for your own brand-related assets & icons.

If you don’t have any assets of your own, you can search for free or paid ones online and upload them to replace the ones I’ve used.

Very easy. When you get into the backend, you’ll see how easy it is. But if you’re switching out text, it’s literally click on that particular bit of text you want to change, then paste your own in!

Yep, absolutely! I’ll be providing a full video suite that takes you through how to set up and install everything, as well as make any changes AND push the website live.

Do you have a question not included here? Send it to and I’ll get right on it!