Change Your Password Day

Are you one of the many (MANY) people who don't regularly change their passwords? (HINT: YOU SHOULD!) Then make this the ONE day of the year you do.

Have you changed your password recently? 🤔

If the last time you updated your password has passed out of living memory 😅🙈 THIS POST IS FOR YOU.

February 1 is Change Your Password Day!

Using the same passwords everywhere is a HUGE security risk. (Say someone gets into one service you’re signed up for, chances are they’ll try that password elsewhere and all of a sudden they have your email and god knows what else.)

Luckily there’s an easy fix! Practising good online security can help minimise that risk. 👍🏻

Here are my top tips for changing your password.

🔒 Use a strong, unique password

  • Make it long: at least 10 characters, but aim for more
  • Use a made-up word or phrase: don’t take it straight out of the dictionary
  • Use a mixture of capitals, lowercase, numbers and symbols

🔒 Use a different password for each online account

I know it’s hard – you need a password for anything and everything these days – but use a different password for each account you have. If one account is compromised, make it harder for the Bad Guys to get into the others.

🔒 Change your password regularly

Depending on how often you access the account, aim to change your password every 30, 60 or 90 days. Use the account daily? Change it monthly – AT LEAST.

🔒 Change the password on your main email address

We’ve all got one ‘main’ email account we use – make sure you change the password for it, ESPECIALLY if you’re using the same password elsewhere. This goes doubly for email accounts for your biz.

TIP: Enable multifactor/two-factor authentication if it’s available.

🔒 Do you use a password manager? Change your master password!

Your master password is the master key to access all the others. If you’ve used your password manager while logged into a library, hotel wifi or any ‘untrusted computer’, your master password could be at risk. (

Let me know in the comments below 👇🏻 if this was helpful or send me a message on Instagram or Facebook.

Now, go set a reminder in your calendar to change your passwords!


Whale Tail Digital is a web design and site management service. We help female entrepreneurs and online service providers showcase their business to their ideal clients, while avoiding the overwhelm associated with building and maintaining a website!

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